15 Jun PRESS RELEASE: ‘Round the Mountain and the Southwest Virginia Cultural Center & Marketplace Announce Summer Artisan Market
June 17, 2019
Contact: Jenna Wagner
PR & Marketing Director
Friends of Southwest Virginia
Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation
(276) 492-2400 ext. 2422
ABINGDON, VA – ‘Round the Mountain: Southwest Virginia’s Artisan Network (RTM) and the Southwest Virginia Cultural Center & Marketplace will host their Summer Market on Saturday, July 20, 2019 featuring dozens of nationally known artisans from Southwest Virginia, local food and drink, and more.
The Summer Market comes on the heels of successful Holiday and Spring Markets held at the facility (formerly Heartwood) prior to renovations. The day will feature regionally crafted gifts, live music, food trucks and fun for the whole family.
Shoppers can peruse from over 20 artisans from throughout Southwest Virginia demonstrating their craft and selling handcrafted wares and art. Visitors will have the opportunity to browse through an array of traditional and modern craft including jewelry, pottery, art, apparel, wood carvings, photography, lotions, and more.
In addition, the Southwest Virginia Cultural Center & Marketplace galleries, featuring the high-quality art and craft of over 150 juried artisans from Southwest Virginia, will be open for viewing and shopping.
Purchasing local art, craft and products is more than gifting a one-of-a-kind gift; supporting these artists means helping your neighbors sustain themselves as working artisans and carrying forth a viable creative economy throughout Southwest Virginia.
“These events allow the world to come and not only see incredible craft and art that’s coming out of Southwest Virginia, but also meet the makers and learn their unique stories of this region,” said Chris Cannon, Executive Director of Friends of Southwest Virginia and ‘Round the Mountain. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to interact with this many artists of this caliber from through our region.”
The ‘Round the Mountain Summer Artisan Market will be held on Saturday, July 20thfrom 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The event is free and open to the public.
For more information and to stay up-to-date about the ‘Round the Mountain Summer Artisan Market, check out the Facebook event here.
For more information, please contact Jenna Wagner with Friends of Southwest Virginia (276-492-2400 ext. 2422). For more information and to stay up-to-date, subscribe to the Friends of Southwest Virginia Partner Newsletter and “Like” Friends of Southwest Virginia on Facebook.
About Southwest Virginia:
Tucked in the mountains of Southwest Virginia is a vibrant culture of music, craft and stunning natural beauty. It’s a region of spectacular views and rich natural resources. Time spent in the region adds up to something much more than a simple getaway. A different side of Virginia. And a great place to visit for a week’s vacation – or to make a home for a lifetime. Authentic. Distinctive. Alive.
About the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation and Friends of Southwest Virginia:
The Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation is the coordinating body for cultural heritage tourism and economic development efforts fostering Southwest Virginia’s creative economy. Through a supporting non-profit, the Friends of Southwest Virginia, the combined entities help localities, businesses, individuals, artists, nonprofits and entrepreneurs mobilize and succeed.
A multifaceted plan identifies the cultural and natural assets of the region; coordinates initiatives, organizations and venues engaged in cultural and natural heritage toward more efficient operations for all partner organizations; and develops a comprehensive strategy and capital improvements plan to maximize the impact of state investments in this significant restructuring effort.
Key initiatives include:
- Branding and marketing Southwest Virginia to the world as a distinct culture and destination
- Developing and sustaining the Southwest Virginia Cultural Center & Marketplace
- Expanding outdoor recreation development initiatives and marketing throughout the region
- Planning and implementation of downtown revitalization throughout the region to instill a high quality of life within our communities and promote them to the world for a broad spectrum of economic development opportunities
Learn More About the Southwest Virginia Cultural Heritage Foundation and Friends of Southwest Virginia
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