15 Aug RFP Appalachian Regional Initiative for Stronger Economies Consultant
Friends of Southwest Virginia
Friends of Southwest Virginia, in partnership with Virginia’s Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) office, is seeking a consultant to provide strategic support for Virginia and partnering states par/cipa/ng in the Appalachian Regional Ini/a/ve for Stronger Economies (ARISE). The ini/a/ve aims to enhance opportuni/es for mul/-state projects that build a compe//ve workforce, foster entrepreneurial ac/vi/es, develop industry clusters, enhance broadband access, and preserve the region’s cultural heritage and natural assets.
Friends of Southwest Virginia (Friends) is seeking contractual support for the role of Appalachian Regional Initiative for Stronger Economies Consultant. The consultant will develop a strategy for engaging strategic partners in Central Appalachia ARC states, identifying key stakeholders and potential project ideas to enhance multi-state collaboration. Additionally, the consultant will provide insights to Friends of Southwest Virginia to support the Virginia ARC region in preparing grant applications and ensure the successful execution of ARISE- funded projects.
The consultant will be responsible for developing a strategy for engaging partners from Central Appalachia ARC states (Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, and North Carolina), identifying key stakeholders, and proposing potential project ideas for collaboration. This includes providing detailed plans on who to meet with and specific project concepts to pursue. The consultant will also provide recommendations for topics for a multi-state conference. Additionally, the consultant will offer insights and recommendations to Friends of Southwest Virginia to support the Virginia ARC region in preparing strong ARISE grant applications. The consultant will also suggest relevant creative economy topics and themes for a multi-state conference. Ensuring the successful completion of ARISE-funded projects, including troubleshooting issues with projects administered by ARC or other agencies, is another critical responsibility. Finally, the consultant will produce comprehensive reports on any stakeholder meetings and engagement activities and develop a robust strategy for establishing strategic partnerships across Central Appalachia ARC states.
- RFP Open Date: August 15, 2024
- RFP Proposal Due Date: September 16, 2024
- Consultant Selection Date: October 25, 2024
- Contract Period: November 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025
To apply for this job email your details to marketing@myswva.org